How to Install Flash Player Pro!


Hi there! This article will explain how to install and use Flash Player Pro for Android using the Firefox web browser, the full version of this software is available for purchase for just $19.95 here The link to this software will be listed again at the bottom of this article, and is packed full of extensive, fun features!

Firefox for Android displays the tap-to-play icon by default for Flash. Use this article to learn how to watch videos and how to customize your settings for plugins like Flash.

Install Adobe Flash player on your Android device by downloading an archived version from Archived Flash Player versions on For more info about the Flash Player end of development on Android, see this Adobe’s blog post.
Tap the grey box with the plugin icon as shown below to play the Flash content.

Play Flash content without tapping

Keeping your Flash set to Tap to Play is important for your security on the web because it ensures that you decide what plugins are trusted. However, you can customize Firefox for Android to enable Flash by default for all web sites or to completely disable plugins for all websites, as follows:

Go to the main Menu > More > Settings.
Tap Plugins in the Content section.

The Plugins context menu appears.

To enable Flash to play for all websites by default, tap Enabled.
To disable plugins for all websites, tap Disabled.

Firefox will also notify you if a website requests to load plugins with a drop-down menu so you can choose to allow or prevent loading. For more about Firefox for Android privacy and security, see Configure mobile privacy and security settings.

*Upgrade to Android Flash Player Pro now for just $19.95! Just go here *